Emergence is Studio Penrose’s first film as a newly-formed studio, and acts as an introduction to the cinematic universe that subsequent Studio Penrose films will take place in. The production will be approximately 2 months in the making at the time of the film’s release, utilizing over a dozen body actors and production team members.
The film follows Lucina Mai after the sudden death of her parents drives her to move to the bustling city of New Millenia, where she meets with an online friend to discuss a tempting job offer.
Director: Khang Lu
Writers: Charm Chandler, Moonarc, PeachBight, Spades
Cinematographer: Quinnster
Sound Design: Scar-J
Avatar Developer: InviaWaffles, MoshiMoshi
World Developer: Pesky12
Narrative short made in VRChat | Runtime: 10 mins
Award nomination: Best Short Film of VR