Narrated by Archie Yates, Paper Birds is the story of a short-sighted child with an exceptional talent for music, who must find his way through the world of darkness to bring back his sister. A story of inspiration, intuition and emotion, the film explores how these qualities are often invoked by music.


Paper Birds requires an Oculus Quest or a Quest 2. Sign up’s to request access to the pre-release app have now been closed.


Federico Carlini is a graphic designer, 3D artist, VFX composer, VR designer, art director, writer and sound designer who also creates audiovisual works.

German Heller is a writer, producer, director, software developer and an expert in emerging technologies like VR. He’s mostly surrounded by great people and unavoidably gets some credit for their genius.

VR narrative | Runtime: 17 mins | Platform: Oculus Quest | Compatible headsets: Oculus Quest / Quest 2 | Please request free access to the preview app here.

Award nominations: Best Narrative Experience, Best Animation Experience, Outstanding Achievement in Art and Outstanding Achievement in Audio